The First Communion season is upon us and young Catholics are preparing to receive the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. If you’re looking for the perfect First Communion gift for the boys on your list, this First Communion gift guide can help you choose something special to celebrate the day!

Best Sellers | Rosaries & Medals | Bibles | Personalized Gifts | Gifts Under $35

Best Sellers

If you’re looking for First Communion gifts for boys, these best sellers are sure-fire hits. The sacrament of First Communion is a milestone for young Catholics, and these gifts commemorate the occasion perfectly. This list can be especially helpful to gift givers who aren’t very familiar with the Catholic tradition.

First Communion Rosaries & Medals

The rosary is one of the most iconic representations of the Catholic faith. And it’s also a classic First Communion gift that can be treasured for years to come. As for Catholic devotional medals, this tradition is traced back to the Renaissance era when medals were often created to commemorate special sacraments such as births or baptisms--and now, First Communion.

First Communion Bibles

A popular First Communion gift for boys and girls alike is their very own Bible--something that they will carry with them throughout their journey in faith. In addition, many Leaflet Missal Bibles can be personalized, which makes for an even more unique and special gift.

Personalized First Communion Gifts

Consider opting for a personalized gift to give your First Communicant so they have something uniquely their own.

  1. The New Saint Joseph Children's Missal
    The New Saint Joseph Children's Missal
    From $9.95
  2. Black Communion Name Rosary
    Black Communion Name Rosary
    From $44.95

First Communion Gifts Under $35

Finding the perfect First Communion gift for a young boy doesn’t have to break the bank. From keepsake First Communion crosses to books to special jewelry, all of these gift ideas are under $35.

    My Pop-Out Mass Kit

Thanks for checking out this First Communion gift guide!

Find more First Communion gift ideas for both boys and girls.