Confirmation is so much more than just a scholarly exercise where the confirmands graduate to the next level of their faith. It is where they are bound more intimately to the Catholic Church and draw closer to our Lord Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Consider the words of the Catholic Rite of Confirmation:

“They complete their baptismal rites by receiving an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, who was sent by the Lord upon the Apostles on the Day of Pentecost.”

To support your teen on this profound spiritual journey, you may want to consider the advice of the Archdiocese of Glasglow, which recommends families take an active interest in their teens’ confirmation.

How to Support your Child as a Family:

  • Worshipping as a family. Don’t expect your child to be enthusiastic about their faith if you aren’t. Go to mass regularly and set aside time for Eucharistic adoration. Afterward, enjoy a special meal together.
  • Setting aside time for prayer. Every day, gather together to share a specific devotion, such as the rosary or a novena to a patron saint. Take a moment to discuss issues that may be heavy on your child’s heart and pray about them. This is a powerful way to show how Jesus can work in their lives and the lives of others. You may even want to write down personal prayer requests, and then revisit them as they are answered.
  • Reading the Bible together. Select a few paragraphs from one of the Gospels, and then discuss how the reading could apply to life today. Supplement that with the wisdom of the Franciscan Daily Companion. This beautiful book contains brief reflections from the Saints for each day.
  • Going to confession. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a moving spiritual act that will create personal peace and peace within the family. Jesus, in his love and mercy, established the Sacrament of Confession so that we can reconcile with God and the Church, and completely free ourselves from sin. It renews us in Christ. Consider the words of the Apostle John:
    “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.’ And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained’” (John 20:21-23).

A Shared Family Faith is a Beautiful Thing!

In 2013, at the 14th World Youth Day in Rio De Janeiro, Pope Francis proclaimed, "How precious is the family as the privileged place for transmitting the faith!"

Remember this truth! You have the immense privilege of passing on the true faith of Jesus Christ and His apostolic mission on to your children.

Remember, you set the example for your child, so why not use confirmation as an opportunity for your entire family to grow in your Catholic faith and draw closer to God?  Here are some tools to support you: