Confirmation is one of the seven holy sacraments in the Catholic Church. It’s a time of prayer, celebration, and commitment to a life dedicated to Jesus Christ. Over the centuries, it has gone through quite an evolution.

In fact, it first began as part of the Sacrament of Baptism. Today, we widely accept it as its own sacrament - a time to celebrate our sacred relationship with the Holy Spirit and to reaffirm our Baptism in the Catholic Church.

What else do you need to know about Confirmation in the Catholic Church? Read on for answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about this sacrament.

What Confirmation Is and Why It’s Important in the Catholic Church

Catholics are first introduced to the Holy Trinity — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — at Baptism. After Baptism and First Communion, the Catholic Church introduces Catholics again to the Trinity during Confirmation, when the Holy Spirit descends upon confirmands just as he descended upon the 12 Apostles at Pentecost. So, what exactly does it mean to be introduced to the Trinity and to be confirmed in the Catholic Church? Read on to find out.

1. What Does Confirmation Mean in the Catholic Church?

Confirmation in the Catholic Church strengthens you by the Holy Spirit and requires you to continue living in accordance with the faith. Confirmation is integrally related to Baptism and the Eucharist, as all three of these sacraments symbolize initiation within the Catholic Church.

After Baptism, Catholics first receive the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist during First Communion, bringing them one step closer to perfect union with Jesus Christ—and one step closer to the Sacrament of Confirmation. The sacrament is called Confirmation because it confirms the faith given to an individual during Baptism.

2. Why Is Confirmation Important in the Catholic Church?

Confirmation is the sacrament during which Catholics confirm their faith and commitment to the Catholic Church. It symbolizes spiritual maturity and completes the initiation process that began at Baptism and the Holy Eucharist nourished.

Getting Confirmed by the Catholic Church

There are just over 61 million baptized Catholics in the United States today, according to the US Religion Census. Confirmation enables these members of the Church to confirm the promises made on their behalf at Baptism, and to promise to continue serving God into adulthood. Keep reading to learn more about what it takes to prepare for confirmation in the Catholic Church.

3. What Age Is Confirmation in the Catholic Church?

It depends. In the Latin Rite and Roman Catholic Church, the Church baptizes individuals at birth, they receive the Holy Eucharist for the first time around age seven, and the Church confirms them between the ages of 12 and 17. Most dioceses follow this order, but some dioceses have returned to a more traditional path in which they confirm children at the same time that the children receive their first Holy Eucharist.

4. How Long Are Catholic Confirmation Classes?

Depending on your diocese and parish, Confirmation classes can last anywhere from one month to a year.

For teenagers who grow up in the Church, weekly Confirmation classes during the academic year are the last series of religion classes they take during their primary school years. As an adult converting to Catholicism, similar classes are held and must be completed before you receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation - this is called OCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for Adults.

Preparing for the Confirmation Ceremony

The Sacrament of Confirmation is an opportunity for your entire family or support system to grow in your Catholic faith together and draw closer to God. Confirmands will need to select both a sponsor and a patron saint. If your child or a loved one is preparing for Confirmation, here’s what they should know.

6. What Happens in the Ceremony?

A Catholic Confirmation ceremony will typically take place during Mass or be its own Mass led by the bishop of the diocese. Individuals to be confirmed come forward, accompanied by their chosen sponsor, and are anointed with chrism oil by the bishop. The bishop says, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit,” and the confirmand responds, “Amen.”

6. Why Do Confirmands Choose a Sponsor?

At Baptism, a baby’s godparents vow to support and guide an individual in their Catholic faith throughout their life. At Confirmation, a sponsor does the same. A Confirmation sponsor must be Catholic and be willing to support the confirmand on their spiritual journey. At the ceremony, a sponsor accompanies the confirmand while they are anointed with chrism oil.

7. Why Do Confirmands Choose a Patron Saint?

Patron saints of the Catholic Church are the best representations of individuals who dedicated their lives to serving others and practicing the Catholic faith. As such, they are excellent role models for soon-to-be confirmands. Confirmands choose a patron saint they want to be like, and take on the name of that saint within the Church.

8. How Do You Choose a Patron Saint?

There are many ways to go about choosing a patron saint for Catholic Confirmation. Individuals are encouraged to learn more about the saints and to choose one whose lifestyle and values are similar to their own, or who is the patron saint of something that’s important to them. Another great way is to read about the saints and see if any specific saint sticks out to you or particularly speaks to you. Leaflet Missal carries three beautiful books that share the lives of the saints in a very digestible and engaging way. Check them out here!

9. Do You Give a Gift for a Catholic Confirmation?

Yes! The Sacrament of Confirmation is an exciting and memorable time for Catholics and should be celebrated as such. Though not required, many loved ones find joy in giving gifts to the newly confirmed. A Bible, rosary, or daily devotional are always great options.

For more ideas, check out our gift guide for boys and our gift guide for girls.

Everything You Need to Know About Catholic Confirmation

Catholic Confirmation season is just around the corner, and you might have questions. Use this guide as a resource to guide your Catholic Confirmation journey.

And if your teen is about to get confirmed, discover four ways to support their spiritual journey.

Catholic Confirmation Gift Guide for Girls
Catholic Confirmation Gifts for Girls